Cecchetti syllabus coaching for students, and teacher certification in the Method.
TUITION & Policies
Contact us to discuss what you're looking for.
All prospective new students must visit in person, in order to talk with the Director, ask questions, and see our space.
Be in touch for an appointment - we look forward to meeting you!
We are just 3 blocks from the Tenleytown Metro and Janney Elementary School. Studio is in a private home.
Specific directions will be provided when you make your appointment to visit
We observe
All Federal holidays and the three D.C. Public Schools longer breaks (December, Winter, and Spring).
(We are NOT closed on the miscellaneous DCPS teacher in-service days, parent conference days, or half-days.)
Inclement weather policy
When DCPS closes for inclement weather, we are closed.
Monitor public media for the status of D.C. Public Schools.
(Kindly do not call, email, or text the studio for verification. We'll be dealing with the emergency, too.)